Tailored Care Management
What is Care Management?
A single Care Manager will be assigned to you and will perform a Comprehensive Assessment. Based off the assessment, an individualized Care Plan will be created to support your individual needs.
What Does It Offer Me?
After the Care Plan is initiated, your Care Manager will then coordinate, refer, monitor all new and
existing services (medication, medical, mental health, substance use treatment, PCP, and Community
Multidisciplinary Treatment Team meetings will be scheduled with you and your Providers to make sure
you are receiving the care that you need.
The Care Management Team will address any unmet health-related needs.
Provide support during a crisis.
Assist you understanding any conditions and/or medications that you have
Promote self-health management.
Offer any assistance needed when you are discharged from a Hospital or any other Facility.
Community Resources (housing, employment, food/nutrition, transportation, personal safety, etc.)